Friday, April 29, 2016

The Movement

The Movement

Perms, Relaxers, and Brazilian Blowouts!  
What do these three things have in common? 

With the amount of chemicals, and side effects that come with having your hair chemically relaxed, it has encouraged thousands of naturally curly women, to be just that.  Natural. Some say it's a "just a trend."  However, with the expected 45% decrease in revenue, by 2019, for these services, it is far from just a trend. Natural hair has become a MOVEMENT. 

We have transitioned into a world where we have more options for "socially acceptable," hairstyles. 
More and more African-American women are saving hundreds of dollars a month, by going natural. 

The Affects of Chemical Relaxers: 
Respiratory infections, nosebleeds, coughing, hair breakage, and scalp irritation/burns, are just a FEW of the side affects of the chemicals used to relax curly hair. There are chemicals, such as, Lye (Sodium Hydroxide), used on women everyday. Sodium Hydroxide is the strongest type of principal chemical used in some chemical relaxers because it provides the most long lasting and dramatic effects.  This is a chemical found in most drain cleaners, as well as used in the plastic industry.  Lye is commonly used to give plastic more flexibility.  

Not exactly something you want to be coming into close contact with. 

Before going for it:
If chemical relaxers, or Brazilian blowouts is something you want to give a go:

SEE A PROFESSIONAL:  It may be much more expensive, but it is definitely worth it.  A professional should do a strand test before starting, to really see how your hair will react to the chemicals. 

DO YOUR RESEARCH:  You can't always believe what you read on the internet. Most products will read "lye free," however, most of the time that is false advertisement. Find out what products your salon uses before scheduling an appointment. Research those products, and all of the affects associated. There are many personal stories out there that you can read, both positive and negative, before making your decision. 

Check out our future blogs!  We'll be talking about going natural, and curly hair hacks!

Written by: ssamanthaxmariee

  1. If you're looking to embrace your fabulous curls, and try the natural way of things, come visit us at Twisted Hare Salon and Spa.  Let our natural believers teach you, enlighten you, and turn that inconvenience into confidence. 

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