It's time for us curly curls to embrace how blessed we are to have such an incredible look. There are woman out there who suffer through long perms, and chemical processes to have what we have. And how do we repay them? By tying our hair up in a pony tail, putting on a hat, and calling it a day. Or worse, taking a flat iron to our locks each day. Which results in one word. Damage. Damage. Damage.
Think about it, if everybody in the world embraced their natural hair, how many beauty industries would go out of business, almost instantly?
Twisted Hare Salon and Spa believes in natural. Hair should not be an inconvenience. It's a part of what makes us, well, us. Being a DevaCurl Salon, we know curls....and we know how to make the curls you want, obtainable.
Looking for manageable second day curls? Try the Q-Redew!

"The mist of the Q-Redew handheld hair steamer warms and softens the hair allowing you to rejuvenate, hydrate, reshape, and boost volume, de-tangle, stretch the hair, and more without re-wetting. The Q-Redew is intended to be used on wet or dry hair, but when used on dry hair it will leave your hair dry to the touch. No need to wait hours to dry. The Q-Redew provides a quick, convenient alternative in your hair care routine." -

If you're looking to embrace your fabulous curls, and try the natural way of things, come visit us at Twisted Hare Salon and Spa. Let our natural believers teach you, enlighten you, and turn that inconvenience into confidence.
Written By: ssamanthaxmariee
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